Terrace Gardening Product Categories

Dr Soil Health

Special prize

₹500.00 /

1 Ltr



Dr Soil Health serve as a potent energy source for plants, resulting in more robust and higher-yielding crops. Dr. Soil Health's composition includes a blend of plant-derived components such as earthworm exudates, seaweed extract, amino acids, vitamins, fulvic acids, humic acids, and chelated micro and macro nutrients. These elements stimulate root and shoot growth, promote cell division, and act as soil pH buffers, ensuring an ideal soil environment. Importantly, Dr Soil Health provides crucial nutrients like NPK, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Fe, Mn, and B, fostering the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms. By activating these microorganisms, the product enhances nutrient absorption by plants and effectively fixes carbon content in the soil.


To maximize the benefits of Dr. Soil Health, apply once in a month is recommended, thereby improving soil organic matter and crop yields. Application methods include 1 Ltr/ 100 Ltr of water, drip irrigation or drenching or foliar spray. The advantages of using Dr. Soil Health include improvements in soil texture and structure, increased earthworm activity indicative of healthier soil, vigorous vegetative growth and root formation in crops, and ultimately, higher crop yields with improved quality.



Samarth Bio Tech Ltd.

Suitable crops

All crops

Organic/ Inorganic



All nutrients & beneficial microorganisms (1.5*10^8 CFU/ ml)

Available form


Solubility in water


Method of application

Drenching and foliar spray

Application dosage

10 ml/ Ltr of water